Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy for Infants, Children and Adults.

Is mouth breathing, picky eating, snoring, teeth grinding, restless sleep, distorted speech sounds or a tongue tie part of your life?

Myofunctional Therapy focuses on improving adequate use of muscles for everyday activities. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy focuses on improving the functional use of your tongue and lips for breathing (correct resting posture), eating and speech sound productions.

Myofunctional therapy making a huge difference in the life of a teenager!

“When mouth breathing is not addressed early, the impact on poor facial and airway development will tip a child onto a downhill slide that leads to side effects like poorer breathing, sleep and health into adulthood.”

Breathe, Sleep, Thrive

Author ~ Dr. Shereen Lim


Do you have an infant that is struggling with nursing/bottle feeding? Our team includes a physical therapist with myofunctional training to help with muscle release and comfort for the infant and parent during feeding. Our infant team also includes a pediatric SLP with 30+ years of experience in the NICU. She uses a differential diagnostic feeding approach and brings joy back to feeding time for parents as they learn new techniques and see their baby thrive.


Do you have a child that sleeps like a tornado, mouth breathes, grinds his/her teeth, snores, is a picky eater, has been in therapy and the speech sounds are still distorted, and/or has a high/narrow palate? Our Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists are speech-language pathologists with myofunctional training to help improve the resting posture and function of the tongue and lips for eating, speech, breathing and swallowing.


Are you an adult with years of restless sleep? Do you mouth breathe, snore and/or grind your teeth? Do you consider yourself to be a picky eater? Our Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists work with adults too! We work in conjunction with a team of airway focused professionals to improve your sleep and change your life. Your Sleep Disordered-Breathing (SDB) story can be rewritten.